WEEK 3.Aural/ oral skills: specific use

This week 3 was so informative for me in tems of getting knowledge about speaking and web resources. I tried some site with my students in my lessons but there is too much information just for the too short perios of time that I think sometimes I am a backward student in this DL course. So these are sites I wouls recommend to my students and my colleagues to practice speaking and listening.
1. I used http://www.manythings.org/ to practice speaking. My students of the first year enjoyed the quizzes provided there and while doing testing pronounced the given words. They like it because the correct answer they get immediately and the scores are counted. In the first year of study a part of each lesson devoted to phonetics so studying phonetics using this web site was fun for them.
There is a link which leads you to watching video (that is beneficial for listening to watch gestures and expressions to understand better) and after one can practice sounds as many times as he want. The most tricky sounds are there and the quizzes are just 4-5 so it takes you not so much time and you do not get bored.
My students and I like Audio Concentration Game. It is made as a computer game so students were very interested in playing it, while looking for the correct pair they listen to words several times and it gives them an opportunity to combine speaking with listening.
2. http://americanspeechsounds.com/ Downloading options are too large to download and with my Internet connection it says that will be downloading 2 days  It offers Contests and quizzes, but to do these quiz we did not find listening button and did not know for sure the acronyms so using this site was a little bit challenging.


  1. Hi Nilufa,

    Thank you for your comment on my blog. Well, I am not keen in doing a blog much but I just tried to manage it after I saw some of our classmates put the link to our blogs. I went back to see what I have done to my blog again for giving you an advice that might help you to set your blog. Well, after you signing in then the window of your blog will show. You click on Setting and then choose Layout. The window of Layout will show and you will see Add a gadgets. You choose Add a gadget on the right side. After clicking on Add a gadgets, the window will show you menu to choose, including Basics/Feature/Most Popular/Most Gadgets and Add Your Own. You choose Add Your Own then you can copy bookmarks or the link of our classmates' blog. Put it in the box on the window. Just follow the direction on the window, you will have some of our classmates'link to their blogs on your own. You will see it is easy for you to do it. Hopefully this will help you manage your blog.

    Garunyawun ;o)

  2. Dear Nilufar,

    Thank you for the very good reflective comment. I'm happy to hear that you're trying things with your students, as well!

    One thing - please shift the language of your blog to English. It's easier to find where to click on Comments, for one thing. To do that, log into www.blogger.com, then click on Settings. Click on the Formatting tab, then go down the page to Language. Pull down the menu to English. Make sure you click on Save Settings at the bottom. Let me know if you have any problems with this.

    Keep up the good work!


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