This week we were assigned to complete the following tasks:

1. Project report draft submitting and peer review
2. Learner autonomy reading articles and reflecting them
3. One-computer classrom design.

As well as sending my project plan draft I have received project documents from one of my peers Hamid and am still waiting for another peer report draft.

The mail point of the articles is that it is more beneficial to teachstudents how to look for information and study independently, teach them adapt and apply rceived knowledge into individual practice.
Students should not be the containers, which teachers have to fill in.
Learner autonomy requires some personal qualities as well, such as to be responsible and self confident; creative thinking and decision making skills. Why according to some research students who come after high school to universities often fail during the first session? Because students at schools used to be lead by the teacher. At university a student decides what subject to choose, submit all assignments on time.
Learner autonomy reminds me our course - it is our responsibility what to read and when but we have to do all assignments on time and submit them. While reading we define what is more important and what is less.
Learner autonomy is a subject of research on the context of life-long learning. The notion of "Learner autonomy" and its definition in language learning was introduced by Holec H. Like an ability to be responsible for the education al process, including defining goals, content and consequence of learning, method selection and analysing and assessing results. Little D. writes in his article that learner autonomy is an ability to independent actions and c ritical reflection. The student should be able to apply knowledge to the wider context.
Thinking about the role f the teacher in learner autonomy Samuel P-H Sheu mentions that if the teaching practices are flexible learning autonomy is achievable.

While creating one-computer lesson I was guided and inspired by Deborah Healey's article "Technology Tip Of The Month" and used some of the hints there.
If I use technology most of it is using one computer. And it is not a big issue for me as my classes are usually not big (no more than 20 students)
I designed the lesson Uncle Sam" where I used Power point to display tests for individual work and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" for the team work.
At the end of the lesson students in the chain write on MS Word document what they have learnt (1 sentence) and one sentence about what else they would like to learn. Then as homework they get an assignment to prepare writtten work what they have discovered from surfing the Internet what they wanted to know.
To check their work I am going to use "insert comments" tool. It will be visual help for students what to pay attention to.


  1. Dear Nilufar,

    I agree with you that the learning autonomy is very important, as it prepares our students not only for the next step, in our case university, but for life in general. They are guided in life by their parents, they are guided in school by their teachers. That's not bad, but the control must become less and less, the older they get. In this way, they will be ready to face any problem they may encounter in their way.

    All the best,


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